Tuesday, June 17, 2014


We have been following closely the rezoning case on Hillsborough Street for a seven story high rise.  Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan is very clear that the maximum number of stories of any building within a Neighborhood Mixed Use area should be 5.  The residents and homeowners in that area voted at the Wade CAC 5 to 1 against seven stories and unanimously in favor of five stories as prescribed by the Comprehensive Plan.  It was stated during today’s Council meeting that the Comprehensive Plan is “only a guide.”  We are extremely concerned that the Comprehensive Plan’s guidance developed after years of input from citizens was not followed.

Following the Comprehensive Plan is extremely important and pertinent to rezoning not only on Hillsborough but also at Dunn and Falls of Neuse.  The Comprehensive Plan is clear about the scale and intensity of development within Neighborhood Mixed Use areas.  If the Comprehensive Plan is ignored, then that is a serious cause of concern for the more than 3400 who have signed petition against rezoning in North Raleigh and for the 522 who attended and participated in the City sanctioned North CAC process and voted against rezoning at Dunn and Falls of Neuse Roads.

Today City Council took up the Hillsborough Street rezoning case.  This is how they voted:

Mary-Ann Baldwin: in favor of rezoning
Wayne Maiorano: in favor of rezoning
John Odom: in  favor of rezoning
Bonner Gaylord:  in favor of rezoning
Eugene Weeks: in favor of rezoning

Nancy McFarlaine: against rezoning
Russ Stephenson: against rezoning
Thomas Crowder: against rezoning

IMPORTANTLY:  Today’s City Council vote was 5 to 3 in favor of rezoning – in other words a simple majority.  Because the  vote was a simple majority, City Council will hold a second vote in two weeks to affirm today’s vote.  If the vote is not affirmed – that is one or more Councilor who voted for the rezoning – changes their vote, then the rezoning will fail.

So, please stay tuned.  Much more to come in the coming days.